5th Annual “Chanukah with Elli thekingofbroadway & Friends 2017


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I am humbled ב״ה to be presenting

The 5th Annual
“Chanukah with Elli thekingofbroadway & Friends”
2017 – 5778 Edition

We are privileged to present it twice:

Monday, December 18th (7th Light Chanukah) @ 7:00pm
Tuesday, December 19th (8th Light Chanukah) @ 7:00pm

The theme is, of course,
Chanukah the Festival of Light & Freedom!

There will be Music, Song, Comedy, Menorah Lighting, Sufganiot, Dreidels, Chanukah Gelt & MORE!

Elli Thekingofbroadway
and an all-star Broadway cast!

Stuart Marshall
Tommy Vance
Ron Orlovsky
Ari Axelrod

with Music by “The Drey-dels”
Alex Rybeck – Piano (MD)
David Backer – Bass
Michael Bellusci – Drums
Daniel Bennett – Clarinet/Sax (Dec 18th)
Dmitri Z!sl Slepovitch – Clarinet/Sax (Dec 19th)

$18/Chai Cover Charge – 2 Drink Min
(212) 279-4200


Here’s a clip from last year’s 2nd Show Dec. 28th 7pm
@The Metropolitan Room NYC

Thanks for watching and make your reservations NOW

Elli does Reggae with The Amazing Bottle Dancers

Elli does Reggae
with The Amazing Bottle Dancers

Upside Down

Vincz Lee feat Popcaan, Cali P, FireFly & Riga

Filmed in Crown Heights, Brooklyn

Available on Itunes https://itunes.apple.com/ch/album/ups…
Video directed by Goodwiine
© Hemp Higher Productions

The Amazing Bottle Dancers
2015-10-14 11.32.09
Cheyenne GrossElliBrian Henry
Spencer Ryoma Baumgart


Vincz Lee:



You just never know…

B”H – Thursday Sept. 24th 2015 – The day after Yom Kippur 5776

You just never know..

Rabbi Deutsch & Sons Esrog

No, this is not me….

Today, on my way home from shopping for a Lulav & Esrog and some food supplies for Sukkos I had an interesting ride in a LYFT car. (Use Code Elli49 to sign up and get $20 toward a ride!)

While chatting with the driver, he said he is only in NYC 5 years and is originally from Tajikistan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tajikistan) where they speak Tajik a dialect of Farsi (Persian) and Russian!

We had a wonderful discussion about the Jewish things he knows of, he asked me to tell him about “the coming holiday called Sukkot”. He said that he lives in Midwood near an Iranian Synagogue and can understand everything that everyone is saying on their way to/from Shul! (Note to self….)

While in the car, a friend called me sounding a little depressed, so I did my best to try and cheer him up and at one point in the conversation he asked me for my opinion on, “what’s the meaning of life? Is there a purpose?”

I explained to him that every person he asks will have a different outlook but my outlook is I was born a Jew and the purpose of my life is to follow HaShem’s Torah and do as many of the 613 mitzvahs as I can in my lifetime.

I was surprised that he understood what I was talking about and asked me if I could count how many mitzvahs I had done in the past week. I explained that it doesn’t actually work like that – we don’t keep a running count – but that I did attend services on Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year, I kept the Sabbath in between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, I fasted on Yom Kippur, spent the entire day in the synagogue and didn’t return home until almost an hour after the fast ended. I only eat kosher food, tried to be kind to my fellow man and generally spread as much joy as possible.

He then asked me how I know if I’m actually doing anything good and being effective?

I told him that not always is the purpose for everything you do open & revealed. Most of the time you just do what needs to be done and hope that along the way you affect somebody positively.

I related a story from just this past week. I met Brad in the city and we only had a few minutes from the time he got there until we had to be at our event. We decided to eat dinner after the event and to just go into Walgreens and get a quick nosh to hold us over.

We looked for a place to sit down and eat and finally found a ledge on the corner of the store that we could kind of squeeze onto.

While we were sitting there a couple from Israel noticing my beard and Yarmulkah came over to us looking very confused and asked if I could help them get to 770 Eastern Pkwy. the Lubavitcher headquarters in Brooklyn? Chabad-Lubavitch-Orthodox-Jewish-spiritual-center-770-Eastern-Parkway-Crown-Heights-Gran-Rebbe-Manachem-Mendel-Schneerson-Andrea-Robbins-Max-Beecher-Photography-Crown-Heights-Brooklyn-NYCI was only too happy to help and proceeded to give them the fastest route. The conversation was in Hebrew, and the lady had scribbled some numbers on a piece of paper from someone else that had given her instructions that confused her. She couldn’t seem to understand why my instructions differed from the ones she’d been given. I explained again and thankfully we were close enough to Times Square that I could point and show her where the 3 train would take her quickly to her destination. With a smile they thanked me and went on their way.

Without missing a beat, Brad turned to me and said, “See! That’s why we sat here!”

We can’t always wait for those moments to come. We always have to live **as if** that moment will always come.

“…and that’s what life is all about for me”, I said.

The Baal Shem Tov said “For 70, 80 years a Neshama (Soul) wears and tears just to do a favor for another.”

Our conversation came to an end as I arrived at my home, and I believe that it had a positive effect on my friend. I also believe it had a positive effect on my driver as well, as he insisted on carrying all my packages into the house for me!!!

You just never know what one kind word can do…

The Lubavitcher Rebbe quoted many times that it takes “JUST ONE MITZVAH to tip the scales and bring…


Moshiach Now 1


Greetings for Rosh HaShanah 5776

Greetings for
Rosh HaShanah 5776

Rosh Hashanah Hebrew 1

Elli – The King of Broadway

Wish You and Your Loved ones a
Healthy, Happy, Sweet, Prosperous New Year 5776

In the year to come may the Al-mighty
grant you everything you need
(and a little of what you want as well!)

Kesivah v’Chasimah Tovah
Shana Tovah U’mesuka

May you be inscribed and sealed in
Book of Life for a
Good, Sweet, Healthy New Year

I hope to see each and every one of you very soon.




Make sure you hear the Shofar BOTH Days!

To Find Holiday Services Near You CLICK HERE

For Rosh Hashanah/Shabbos Candle Lighting Times

For a Rosh Hashanah Holiday Guide Click HERE

For a Rosh Hashanah Meal Guide Click HERE

On Rosh Hashanah it is customary not to eat foods which are sour or tart (the gefilte fish will have to do without the horseradish…). Instead, we focus on sweet foods, symbolizing our desire to have a sweet year full of blessings and abundance. It is also customary not to eat nuts on Rosh Hashanah, as the numerical value of the Hebrew word for nuts (“egoz”) is the same as the Hebrew word for sin (“chet”).

Rosh Hashanah Pooh

Rosh Hashanah Shofar 1